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Google GKE

Fusion streamlines the deployment of Nextflow pipelines in Kubernetes because it replaces the need to configure and maintain a shared file system in your cluster.

Platform Google GKE compute environments

Seqera Platform supports Fusion in Google GKE compute environments.

See Google GKE for Platform instructions to enable Fusion.

Nextflow CLI

This feature requires Nextflow 23.02.1-edge or later.

To use Fusion directly in Nextflow with a Google GKE cluster, you must configure a cluster, namespace, and service account, and update your Nextflow configuration.

Kubernetes configuration

  1. Create a GKE "standard" cluster ("Autopilot" is not supported). See Creating a zonal cluster for more information.

  2. Use instance types with 2 or more CPUs and SSD storage (families: n1, n2, c2, m1, m2, m3).

  3. Enable the Workload identity feature when creating (or updating) the cluster:

    • Enable Workload Identity in the cluster Security settings.
    • Enable GKE Metadata Server in the node group Security settings.
  4. See Authenticate to Google Cloud APIs from GKE workloads to configure the cluster.

  5. Replace the following example values with values corresponding your environment:

    • CLUSTER_NAME: the GKE cluster name — cluster-1
    • COMPUTE_REGION: the GKE cluster region — europe-west1
    • NAMESPACE: the GKE namespace — fusion-demo
    • KSA_NAME: the GKE service account name — fusion-sa
    • GSA_NAME: the Google service account — gsa-demo
    • GSA_PROJECT: the Google project id — my-nf-project-261815
    • PROJECT_ID: the Google project id — my-nf-project-261815
    • ROLE_NAME: the role to grant access permissions to the Google Storage bucket — roles/storage.admin
  6. Create the K8s role and rolebinding required to run Nextflow by applying the following Kubernetes config:

    kind: Role
    namespace: fusion-demo
    name: fusion-role
    - apiGroups: [""]
    resources: ["pods", "pods/status", "pods/log", "pods/exec"]
    verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "create", "delete"]
    kind: RoleBinding
    namespace: fusion-demo
    name: fusion-rolebind
    kind: Role
    name: fusion-role
    - kind: ServiceAccount
    name: fusion-sa
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
    namespace: fusion-demo
    name: fusion-sa-token
    annotations: fusion-sa

Nextflow configuration

  1. Add the following to your nextflow.conf file:

    wave.enabled = true
    fusion.enabled = true
    process.executor = 'k8s'
    process.scratch = false
    k8s.context = '<YOUR-GKE-CLUSTER-CONTEXT>'
    k8s.namespace = 'fusion-demo'
    k8s.serviceAccount = 'fusion-sa'
    k8s.pod.nodeSelector = ''

    Replace <YOUR-GKE-CLUSTER-CONTEXT> with the context name in your Kubernetes configuration.

  2. Run the pipeline with the usual run command:

    nextflow run <YOUR PIPELINE SCRIPT> -w gs://<YOUR-BUCKET>/work

    Replace <YOUR-BUCKET> with a Google Cloud Storage bucket to which you have read-write access.